Server Info
Experience Stages
01 Level to 08 Level 10x
09 Level to 20 Level 6x
21 Level to 40 Level 5x
41 Level to 50 Level 4x
51 Level to 70 Level 3x
71 Level to 80 Level 2.5x
81 Level to 90 Level 2x
91 Level to 100 Level 1.5x
101 Level to 110 Level 1.4x
111 Level to 120 Level 1.3x
121 Level to 130 Level 1.2x
131 Level to 140 Level 1.1x
141+ Level 1x


Skills 2x
Magic Level 2x
Loot Custom


Stamina System
Hours 32 hours maximum
Bonus No
Regeneration (Online / Offline) 1 minute of stamina every 4 minutes
Regeneration (Online / Offline) if used Cornucopia Food 1 minute of stamina every 3 minutes
Experience No experience if 12 hours or less of stamina is left
Loot No loot if 6 hours or less of stamina is left


Bonus Experience ⭐
Sharing experience will give additional experience depending on the party size and vocations.

Activating shared experience among character of:

        Same vocation: 5%
        2 different vocations: 10%
        3 different vocations: 20%
        4 different vocations: 30%


Frag System
White Skull 15 minutes
Red Skull 7 days
Frags to Red Skull 3 kills in a day (10 in a week and 20 in a month)
Frags to Banishment 5 kills in a day (15 in a week and 30 in a month)
Ban Time (Account) 3 days


Server Info
World Type Retro Open PvP
Client Version Olders 8.0
Location United States


General Information
Server save 10:00 / 22:00 -3 GMT
Premium account Everyone is PREMIUM!
Promotion Free Account
Outfits Free Account
Boats and spells Free Account
PZ Lock 15 Minutes
War system PvP-Enforced
Cast system without Password +5% Experience
Protection level Rookgaard
Protection zones Only Boats (Carpets: NO)
Loot message configurable Yes (!loot on/off)
Level to buy house Level 8 / Only House Coins
Depot Limit 6000 Items
Damage Reduction (UE, POX, GFB, AVALANCHE) Yes. Start with 6 players
Level to create guild Level 20
Max players that count in a Task (Hit Monster) 5
Trainers Yes
Desert Quest Solo Yes
No stair jump exhaust Yes
Bank system: Deposit and withdraw Yes
Auto raids with the possibility to loot rare items Yes
Do member of the same Guild open White Skull if they attack team mates? No
Can i lose my items if i abandon my house with my depot full Yes


Anti Skull Bashing

Caso um jogador membro da (Guild A) atacar um membro da (Guild B) que esteja White Skull, Red Skull ou Yellow Skull, ele irá abrir Yellow Skull em todos membros da (Guild B) que estejam na tela e não apenas no personagem que ele atacou. Da mesma forma se um jogador da (Guild B) revidar o ataque em alguém da (Guild A) que esteja White Skull, Red Skull ou Yellow Skull, ele irá abrir Yellow Skull em todos membros da (Guild A) que estejam na tela.

If a player who is a member of (Guild A) attacks a member of (Guild B) who is White Skull, Red Skull or Yellow Skull, he will open Yellow Skull on all members of (Guild B) who are on the screen and not just on the character who he attacked. Likewise, if a player from (Guild B) retaliates against someone from (Guild A) who is White Skull, Red Skull or Yellow Skull, he will open Yellow Skull on all members of (Guild A) who are on the screen.


Protection System (Guilds)

O jogador que completar os requisitos abaixo, poderão matar personagens que tenham 50% do seu level sem penalidades para nenhum dos lados.


  • O jogador deve ser membro de uma guild.
  • O jogador deve possuir 4 ou mais membros da mesma guild na tela.
  • O jogador e os membros da guild devem possuir level igual ou superior a 50.


  • O jogador não deve possuir nenhuma Skull.
  • O Jogador que estiver sendo protegido pelo sistema, não perdera experiencia ou level em caso de morte nas condicoes acima. O Personagem apenas será teleportado para o templo.

ATENÇÃO: Jogadores que abusarem do novo sistema matando jogadores mais fracos, terão a sua conta banida por 7 dias após analise de um gamemaster.

The player who completes the requirements below, will be able to kill characters that have 50% of their level without punishments for both sides.


  • The player must be a member of a guild.
  • The player must have 4 or more members of the same guild on the screen.
  • The player and the guild members must be level equal or more than 50.


  • The player must not have any Skull.
  • The Player who is being protected by the system, will not lose experience or level in case of death in the conditions above. The Character will only be teleported to the temple.

ATTENTION: Players who abuse of the new system by killing weaker players just for funny will have their account banned for 7 days.


There are 5 different blessings:
The Spiritual Shielding, south of Thais.      NPC: Norf
The Embrace of Tibia, north of Carlin.        NPC: Humphrey
The Fire of the Suns, just below Ab'Dendriel. NPC: Edala
The Wisdom of Solitude, on Nordag's Island.   NPC: Eremo
The Spark of the Phoenix, inside Kazordoon.   NPC: First Kawill then Pydar
 A character loses 10% of his experience when he dies, but Promoted players only loses 7%. Each blessing decreases the percentage by 1%, so the least possible experience a player can lose upon death is 2%, with blessings and promotion. After death a character will lose all blessings.


Vocation HP Seconds Mana Seconds Soul Regeneration
Elite Knight 2 2 sec 4 4 sec Gain 1 Soul point every 7 seconds
Knight 2 3 sec 4 6 sec Gain 1 Soul point every 15 seconds
Royal Paladin 2 3 sec 4 3 sec Gain 1 Soul point every 7 seconds
Paladin 2 4 sec 4 4 sec Gain 1 Soul point every 15 seconds
Master Sorcerer 2 4 sec 4 2 sec Gain 1 Soul point every 7 seconds
Sorcerer 2 6 sec 4 3 sec Gain 1 Soul point every 15 seconds
Elder Druid 2 4 sec 4 2 sec Gain 1 Soul point every 7 seconds
Druid 2 6 sec 4 3 sec Gain 1 Soul point every 15 seconds
Char Bazaar
Sell and buy characters