Deathstrike (
Recommended Level: 50+) (Minimum Level: 50+)
Boss Points: 300
Rewards Boss: Deathstrike’s Snippet - Crystalline Backpack - Experience Stone
Rewards Chest: 200.000 Experience Points - 2 Major Crystalline Tokens - 3 Crystal Coins -  4 Gold Ingot
Access Teleport: 1 Red Teleport Crystal, which can be exchanged with the NPC Gnomally for 10 Minor Crystalline Token + 1 Warzone Token (or they can be bought for 40k each on NPC Gnomette)
Time Limit to kill the Monster: 15 minutes.
Location: The warzones are dungeons that are located on the left side of the Gnomebase.

Mecânica para abrir o Teleport do Boss

1- Jogadores se juntam na sala final do caminho, e usam o pilar de cristal.

2- A sala é fechada com pilares para ninguém poder sair

3- Irão aparecer 6 ondas de criaturas, contendo Hydras, Serpent Spawns, Medusas, Lizard Chosens, Lizard Legionnaires.

4- Após todas as ondas, irá aparecer um teleport no canto direito da sala.

5- Após matar o Deathstrike, todos os jogadores que pegaram experiência no Boss poderão pegar a recompensa no baú do Deathstrike. Depois de 20 horas poderá ser feito novamente.

6- Os jogadores têm 15 minutos para matar o Boss. Após isso todos serão teleportados para fora da sala.

Mechanics for opening the Boss Teleport

1- Players gather in the final room of the path, and use the crystal pillar.

2- The room is closed with pillars so no one can leave

3- 6 waves of creatures will appear, containing Hydras, Serpent Spawns, Medusas, Lizard Chosens, Lizard Legionnaires.

4- After all the waves, a teleport will appear in the right corner of the room.

5- After killing Deathstrike, all players who got experience from the Boss will be able to get the reward from Deathstrike's chest. After 20 hours it can be done again.

6- Players have 15 minutes to kill the Boss. After that, everyone will be teleported out of the room.


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