Picture Name Armor Weight Attributes Dropped by
Sandals 0 6.0 - Elf, Elf Scoult, Elf Arcanist, Ghosts
Boots of Haste 0 7.50 +40 speed Black Knight, Necromancer, Hydra
Firewalker Boots 0 9.50 protection fire field 90% (60 Minutes) Task Shop. Repair: Npc Aldo
Leather Boots 1 9.0 - Elves, Witch, Trolls, Black Knight
Crocodile Boots 1 9.0 - Crocodile
Zaoan Shoes 1 7.00 +6 speed Lizard Zaogun, Lizard Legionnaire, Lizard High Guard, Lizard Chosen, Lizard Dragon Priest, Draken Warmaster, Draken Spellweaver and Ghastly Dragon
Olders Boots 0 10.0 regeneration for 3 life and 5 mana every 3 seconds Store
Albino Boots 1 8.50 regeneration for 3 life and 5 mana every 3 seconds and +50 Speed Task Shop
Fur Boots 2 12.0 - Barbarians
Magma Boots 2 8.50 5% fire protection Hellhound
Sand Boots 2 7.00 These boots increase your speed by +40 and provide an additional +20 speed when walking on sand. Explorer Bags and Casino
Soft Boots 0 8.0 regeneration for 3 life and 12 mana every 6 seconds Pits of Inferno Quest. Repair: Npc Aldo
Frozen Boots 3 29.0 - Frozemoth
Guardian Boots 3 22.50 2% physical protection Ghastly Dragon
Crystal Boots 3 18.50 3% ice protection Task Shop
Dragon Scale Boots 3 18.50 3% fire protection Task Shop
Draken Boots 3 25.00 +20 speed Draken Abomination, Draken Elite
Steel Boots 3 29.0 - Behemoth
Versnoth Boots 4 26.0 3% physical protection, 3% ice protection and +40 Speed Daily Bosses (Versnoth) and Boss Shop
Golden Boots 4 31.0 4% physical protection and +40 speed Task Shop
Osyluth Boots 4 7.50 4% physical protection, 5% energy protection and +50 Speed Daily Bosses (Osyluth) and Boss Shop
The Baron's Boots 4 15.0 4% physical protection, 5% poison protection and +50 Speed Noxious Baron, 35 Mossy Tokens
The Count's Boots 4 17.0 5% physical protection, 6% poison protection and +60 Speed Noxious Count, 50 Mossy Tokens
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