Picture Name Weight Attributes
Broom 11.0 -
Fishing Rod 8.50 -
Hoe 28.0 -
Pick 45.0 -
Pitch Fork 25.0 -
Rake 15.0 -
Rope 18.0 -
Elvenhair Rope 6.0 -
Shovel 35.0 -
Light Shovel 15.0 -
Saw 10.0 -
Watch 0.50 -
Blessed Wooden Stake 5.00 Can be used on slain Vampires in order to get Vampire Dust and on dead Demons to get Demon Dust.
Obsidian Knife 1.00

An Obsidian Knife is used to get different types of leather from the dead bodies of certain creatures, such as Minotaurs, Dragons, Dragon Lords, Lizards, Bonebeasts, Behemoths and some bosses.

Sneaky Stabber of Eliteness 3.0 This Item can be used as Rope, Shovel, Machete and Pick.
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