Distance Weapons
Picture Name Level Range Hit Chance Attack Weight Dropped by
Crossbow - 5 0 0 40.0 Dwarf Soldier, Dragon
Julunggul Crossbow - 6 2 1 98.0 Daily Bosses (Julunggul) and Boss Shop
Arbalest 75 6 2 2 95.0 Pits of Inferno Quest
Olders Crossbow - 6 3 3 40.0 Soulless Quest and Casino
Arakho Crossbow - 6 3 4 120.0 Daily Bosses (Arakho) and Boss Shop

Royal Crossbow 130 6 3 5 120.0 The Inquisition Quest
Crystal Crossbow - 6 4 5 84.0 Gnomevil, Abyssador
The Ironworker - 6 5 5 150.0 Neon Bag (Explorer Bag Tier 6)
Tiranus Crossbow - 6 5 6 120.0 Daily Bosses (Tiranus) and Boss Shop
Osyluth Crossbow - 6 6 7 125.0 Daily Bosses (Osyluth) and Boss Shop
The Duke's Crossbow - 6 7 8 130.0 Noxious Duke, 60 Mossy Tokens
The Devileye - 6 -20 20 55.0 Morgaroth and Casino


Picture Name Level Range Hit Chance Attack Weight Dropped by
Bow - 6 0 0 31.0 Hunter, Hero, Elf Scoult
Elvish Bow - 6 5 0 39.0 Elf Scout
Julunggul Bow - 7 2 2 45.0 Daily Bosses (Julunggul) and Boss Shop
Olders Bow - 7 3 2 40.0 Soulless Quest and Casino
Arakho Bow - 7 3 3 45.0 Daily Bosses (Arakho) and Boss Shop
Warsinger Bow 80 7 5 3 45.0 The Inquisition Quest
Mycological Bow - 7 5 4 49.0 Gnomevil, Abyssador
Silkweaver Bow - 7 6 4 25.0 Neon Bag (Explorer Bag Tier 6)
Tiranus Bow - 7 6 5 45.0 Daily Bosses (Tiranus) and Boss Shop
Osyluth Bow - 7 7 6 50.0 Daily Bosses (Osyluth) and Boss Shop
The Duke's Bow - 7 8 7 55.0 Noxious Duke, 60 Mossy Tokens


The Weapons below can be considered as Ammunition as well. However, these weapons do not require ammunition in order to use them.
Picture Name Level Range Attack Weight Dropped by
Hunting Spear 20 3 32 22.00 Barbarian Brutetamer, Undead Gladiator, Dworc Fleshhunter
Spear (Infinite) - 3 25 20.00 Troll, Black Knight, Valkyrie, Orc Shaman, Orc Spearman, Lizard Sentinel and Npcs
Royal Spear 25 3 35 25.00 Dragon Lord, Orc Leader, Quara Predator and Npcs
Enchanted Spear 42 4 38 20.00 Players Only
Throwing Knife - 4 25 5.00 Dworc Venomsniper, Orc Leader, Stalker, Hellhound
Viper Star - 4 28 2.00 Assassin
Throwing Star - 4 30 2.00 Orc Warlord, Demon Skeleton, Crypt Shambler
Small Stone - 4 5 3.6 Goblin, Sibang, Stone Golem, Gargoyle
Snowball - 6 0 0.8 Albino Dragon, Ice Golem, Crystal Spider, Yeti
Assassin Star 80 4 55 2.0 (NPC: Atrad - Goroma) and Behemoth, Demon, Hellhound, Juggernaut, Warlock, Betrayed Wraith, Blightwalker, Dark Torturer, Demon Outcast, Fury, Hand of Cursed Fate, Hellspawn, Undead Dragon


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