Picture Name Weight Attributes Vocation Dropped by
Axe Ring 0.9 Provides +4 Axe skills while equipped for 30 minutes. Knights Dwarf Soldier, Dwarf Guard, Plaguesmith

Club Ring 0.9 Provides +4 Club skills while equipped for 30 minutes. Knights Cyclopes, Kongra, Plaguesmith
Sword Ring 0.9 Provides +4 Sword skills while equipped for 30 minutes. Knights Orc Berserker, Orc Leader
Crystal Ring 0.9 Luck? All Mummy, Stone Golem
Dwarven Ring 1.10 Prevents Drunkenness while equipped. All Dwarf
Emerald Bangle 1.70 - All Vampire
Energy Ring 0.80 Provides mana shield while equipped. 20 minutes All Dragon, Dragon Lord, Warlock
Golden Ring 1.00 - All Demon
Life Ring 0.80 Faster Regeneration. 20 minutes All Ghoul
Might Ring 1.00 Protection against: Physical, Energy, Poison, Fire, Ice, Holy +20%. 20 charges All Hero, Demon
Power Ring 0.80 Fist Improvement. All Stone Golem, Dragon, Monk
Ring of Healing 0.80 Faster Regeneration. 10 minutes All Demon, Hydra
Ring of the Skies 0.40 - All Warlock
Stealth Ring 1.00 Makes the user invisible while equipped. All Ghost, Mummy, Orc Warlord
Time Ring 0.90 Makes the user faster while equipped. +30 speed All Giant Spider, Tarantula
Wedding Ring 0.40 - All Hero
Olders Ring 0.80 2 life and 4 mana every 3 seconds +10 speed (30 minutes) All Hellslave, Casino and Task Shop
Guardian Ring 1.00 +30 speed, +3 club, axe, sword fighting, 3% physical protection, 2% all protections. Lasts for 3 hours. This ring can be refilled by using a Crystalline Gemstome Knights 60 Major Crystalline Tokens
Sharp Ring 1.00 +30 speed, +3 distance fighting, +1 ml, 2 life and 3 mana every 3 seconds. Lasts for 3 hours. This ring can be refilled by using a Crystalline Gemstome Paladins 60 Major Crystalline Tokens
Foliole Ring 1.00 +30 speed, +3 ml, 2 life and 3 mana every 3 seconds. Lasts for 3 hours. This ring can be refilled by using a Crystalline Gemstome Sorcerers and Druids 60 Major Crystalline Tokens
Pentagon Ring 1.00 +30 speed, 5% physical protection, 3% all protections. Lasts for 20 minutes. This ring can be refilled by using a Crystalline Gemstome All 70 Major Crystaline Tokens
Chaos Ring 1.00 +30 speed, 2% all protections. Grants mana shield. 2 hours. This ring can be refilled by using a Mossy Essence All 15 Mossy Tokens
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