Noxious Duke
Noxious Duke (
Recommended Level: 140+) (Minimum Level: 120+)
Boss Points: 550
Rewards Boss: The Duke's Tentacle
Rewards Chest (100% chance): 700.000 Experience Points - 2 Mossy Tokens - 5 Crystal Coins -  4 Gold Ingot
Rewards Chest (Rare chance): The Duke's Backpack, The Duke's Cudgel, The Duke's Hatchet, The Duke's Blade, The Duke's Crossbow, The Duke's Bow, The Duke's Rod, The Duke's Wand
Access Teleport: 1 Red Teleport Crystal, which can be exchanged with the NPC Gnomally for 10 Minor Crystalline Token + 1 Warzone Token (or they can be bought for 40k each on NPC Gnomette)
Time Limit to kill the Monster: 15 minutes.
Location: The warzones are dungeons that are located on the left side of the Gnomebase.

Mecânica para abrir o Teleport do Boss

1- Na área da Warzone 6 existem 6 Cristais. 5 nos entornos da Warzone, e 1 no centro

2- Os jogadores precisam quebrar os 6 Cristais. Toda vez que um Cristal for quebrado, nascerão alguns monstros perto do Cristal quebrado.

3- Porém o último Cristal, o do meio, só poderá ser quebrado se os outros 5 já estiverem quebrados.

4- Quando esse último Cristal for quebrado, nascerão, juntos, 1 Worm Soldier, 1 Worm Queen e 1 Worm King.

5- Surgirá uma parede no sul dessa sala central, impedindo os jogadores de saírem.

6- Quando os 3 mini bosses estiverem mortos, o Hollow Geode que está no centro poderá ser usado e assim criando o Teleport.

7- Os cristais retornam à sua forma original depois de 45 minutos. Portanto, os jogadores têm 45 minutos para quebrarem todos os cristais, uma vez que o Hollow Geode só irá virar um Teleport se todos os 6 Cristais estiverem quebrados simultaneamente.

8- OBS: Nenhum Cristal pode ser quebrado se alguém estiver na sala do Boss Final.

Mechanics for opening the Boss Teleport

1- In the Warzone 6 area there are 6 Crystals. 5 around Warzone, and 1 in the center

2- Players need to break the 6 Crystals. Every time a Crystal is broken, some monsters will spawn near the broken Crystal.

3- However, the last Crystal, the one in the middle, can only be broken if the other 5 are already broken.

4- When this last Crystal is broken, 1 Worm Soldier, 1 Worm Queen and 1 Worm King will be born together.

5- A wall will appear in the south of this central room, preventing players from leaving.

6- When the 3 mini bosses are dead, the Hollow Geode in the center can be used to create the Teleport.

7- The crystals return to their original form after 45 minutes. Therefore, players have 45 minutes to break all the crystals, since the Hollow Geode will only become a Teleport if all 6 Crystals are broken simultaneously.

8- NOTE: No Crystals can be broken if someone is in the Final Boss room.

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