Noxious Baron
Noxious Baron 
(Recommended Level: 120+) (Minimum Level: 100+)
Boss Points: 450
Rewards Boss: The Baron's Shell
Rewards Chest (100% chance): 500.000 Experience Points - 2 Mossy Tokens - 5 Crystal Coins -  4 Gold Ingot
Rewards Chest (Rare chance): The Baron's Backpack, The Baron's Helmet, The Baron's Boots, The Baron's Armor, The Baron's Legs, The Baron's Shield, The Baron's Spellbook, Mossy Jar, Mossy Core, Mossy Quiver, Mossy Backpack, Chaos Ring
Access Teleport: 1 Red Teleport Crystal, which can be exchanged with the NPC Gnomally for 10 Minor Crystalline Token + 1 Warzone Token (or they can be bought for 40k each on NPC Gnomette)
Time Limit to kill the Monster: 15 minutes.
Location: The warzones are dungeons that are located on the left side of the Gnomebase.

Mecânica para abrir o Teleport do Boss

1- Na área da Warzone 4 existem 6 Cristais.

2- Os jogadores precisam quebrar os 6 Cristais. Toda vez que o Cristal for quebrado, nascerão alguns monstros perto do Cristal quebrado.

3- Se todos os 6 Cristais estiverem quebrados, os jogadors poderão usar o Hollow Geode ao sul esquerda da área da Warzone e assim criando o Teleport.

4- Os cristais retornam à sua forma original depois de 30 minutos. Portanto, os jogadores têm 30 minutos para quebrarem todos os cristais, uma vez que o Hollow Geode só irá virar um Teleport se todos os 6 Cristais estiverem quebrados simultaneamente.

5- OBS: Nenhum Cristal pode ser quebrado se alguém estiver na sala do Boss Final.

Mechanics for opening the Boss Teleport

1- In the Warzone 4 area there are 6 Crystals.

2- Players need to break the 6 Crystals. Every time the Crystal is broken, some monsters will spawn near the broken Crystal.

3- If all 6 Crystals are broken, players will be able to use the Hollow Geode to the south west of the Warzone area and thus create the Teleport.

4- The crystals return to their original form after 30 minutes. Therefore, players have 30 minutes to break all the crystals, since the Hollow Geode will only transform into a Teleport if all 6 Crystals are broken simultaneously.

5- NOTE: No Crystals can be broken if someone is in the Final Boss room.

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